
How to remove plantar warts

How to remove plantar warts

How to remove plantar warts

A wart is a circular elevation that looks like a callus. The only difference between them is that the warts that form on the bottom of the feet, are uneven and does not show fingerprints. A wart, also known as plantar wart , can persist for years in adults if not treated properly. In children it can be cured in a shorter period of time. Learn some techniques that can help eliminate a wart in the privacy of your own home.


  1. In any case, consult your doctor or podiatrist about the best practices to remove a plantar wart on your foot.
  2. Fill a bowl large enough to put your feet with warm water. Please keep the container and let it soak for 15-20 minutes, then wipe it dry with a towel. For the sauce feet softens the skin around the wart and makes it easier to remove.
  3. Gently scrape the wart with a nail file to remove dead cells from the skin surface. You can also use a plastic tongue scraper or a pumice stone to scrub the dead cells. Scrape not too much because this can make blood. Rinse the feet with hot water to make sure that all the dead cells are removed. Then dry with a towel.
  4. Leave the wart uncovered overnight, then cover with a new adhesive bandage the next morning to begin the process again. This process can be repeated up to two months and can help eliminate or decrease the size of the wart.
  5. Clean the area around the wart in warm water, then dry with a towel. Cover the wart with a piece completely bandage and leave it on the wart for six days, including nights.
  6. Place a new piece of bandage after showering, or if dropped. Remove the bandage past six days. The size of the bandage depends on the size of the plantar wart .
  7. If you want to read more articles like how to remove plantar warts , we recommend that enter our category The health of the feet and the podiatry or falling in our news bulletin .

  • Hot water
  • Towel
  • Great Basin
  • Nail file
  • Scraper plastic tongue
  • Pumice



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  2. I immediately go to the nearest podiatry clinic in Singapore whenever I have plantar warts. I just want to be on the safe side.
