
Viral Warts

Viral Warts

What is it?

Viral warts are lesions caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Are self-inoculable (can spread by skin through contact of lesions with areas not reached) and transmitted by direct contact with infected persons.

Clinical manifestations of warts

Viral warts may appear in various ways according to their location and format:
Verruca vulgaris: located in the normal surface of the skin, the lesions are high, hard, rough surface and whitish. Some have dark dotted. Isolated or coalescent, can range from millimeters to centimeters in diameter. The most affected areas are the extremities, being very common in the hands, elbows and knees. More easily found in children and adolescents.
verruca vulgaris
Peri-nail wart: they are the common warts that are located around the nails.Because of extenderem into the nail fold, this type of wart can be more difficult to treat.
Juvenile flat wart: the lesions are small, flat surface in large numbers. The most affected areas are the face and limbs. More frequent in adolescents.
Plantar wart: located in the soles these lesions grow into the skin due to the weight of the body stop their growth out. Are often mistaken for calluses, however, when scratched, the lesions show an uneven surface and dark spots inside, what differentiates the calluses. The largest are often painful to tread.
Threadlike wart: most common on the face and neck, this type of wart shape digitiform injury (like a finger) protruding from the skin surface. It is easily found in the elderly.
Genital wart or condyloma: this type of wart is found in the genital or perianal region. The lesions are softer and, when located in mucous membranes can be wet. The color varies from white to dark and the size of tiny dots to large vegetative lesions (aspect cauliflower). More common in adults, it can be acquired through sexual transmission. The finding of genital warts in children should raise the suspicion of sexual abuse.


The treatment of warts is the destruction that may be made by surgical procedures (electrocoagulation and curettage), by chemically cauterizing the lesion (using caustic on the lesions), by cryosurgery (freezing by destruction of the lesions with liquid nitrogen) or the local use of substances known as immunomodulators, used for the treatment of warts resistant to conventional treatments.
Below, an example of plantar warts treated with cryosurgery session. Besides the effect of freezing, it seems that the inflammatory process resulting from this treatment favors the recognition of the virus as an aggressor, with consequent formation of antibodies to fight it.
When injuries occur in large numbers, may require immune stimulation of the patient so that your own body eliminate injuries. The appropriate treatment for each case must be indicated by a dermatologist.
Join to treatment psychological stimulus can be of great help, especially in the case of children. It is known that someone swear that was cured after making a sympathy. What happens is that, being a viral disease, stimulating organic defense by the subconscious can help the body to acquire immunity against the virus and eliminate injuries.


HPV infection in pregnancy

HPV infection in pregnancy

What you should know about HPV, genital warts and pregnancy?


Due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, warts may increase in size and number. Only if the injuries are too large to interfere in the passage of the baby through the birth canal, it is that cesarean section may be indicated. Otherwise, minor injury, microscopic or infants not contraindicate vaginal birth.
As for the babies of mothers who have genital warts in the vast majority of these are born healthy, and there is minimal risk of developing warts in the future.
It is very important that pregnant inform your doctor during prenatal care if she or her sexual partner has had or have HPV.

Who has HPV can get pregnant?


Genital HPV infection alone does not contraindicate pregnancy, if there are lesions induced by HPV (genital warts much like lesions in the vagina and cervix) the ideal is to treat first and then get pregnant. If pregnancy occurs in the presence of these lesions there is no major problems, but the warts can become larger in size and quantity due to the characteristic hormonal stimulation of pregnancy and there is greater difficulty in treatment.
There is the possibility of HPV being transmitted to the fetus or newborn and cause warts in the larynx of the newborn and / or warts on the genitals. The risk appears to be greater in cases of lesions such as genital warts, even in these cases the risk of occurrence of this type of transmission is low.

Who have HPV infection, genital warts or CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) can breastfeed?


For the occurrence of HPV transmission are needed skin-to-skin and a wound type so that the virus penetrates the skin (the ideal situation is intercourse, in addition to skin-to-skin friction exists penis in the vagina that ends up making micro trauma - imperceptible to the naked eye - for entry of the virus into the skin). So if the mother's breasts do not have HPV injury there is no risk of HPV transmission during breastfeeding.


Genital Warts

Genital Warts

How long after being infected arise genital warts?

Incubation, ie the time necessary to arise the first manifestations of HPV infection is approximately 2 to 8 months, but it can take several years! So because of this wide variability to bring up an injury, it is virtually impossible to determine at what time and how an individual has been infected with HPV.

What is the difference between genital warts and other types of warts that appear elsewhere in the body?

Not all skin lesions are warts, but many of them have in common the same trigger: HPV. While some HPV types grow better in certain areas of the body such as hands or feet, others have preferably the genital area. Genital warts usually develop on the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis and the region near the anus.
Genital warts resemble warts other parts of the body, and as these are usually asymptomatic. They can be single or multiple, small or large, skin color, pink or brownish. If untreated, they can grow in size and number, acquiring look like the "cauliflower".
Commonly, genital warts are known as "cockscomb"; doctors call them condyloma. Although several names, all refer to the same lesion.

What is the relationship between HPV, genital warts and cancer?

HPV types associated with cervical cancer are not normally types that cause genital warts; the latter tend to be caused by types of "low risk".
A small number of HPV types called "high risk" is related to the development of cervical cancer, vagina, vulva, penis and anus. All these cancers have treatment and can be detected early by simple and periodic tests, ie routine medical consultation.

The course of HPV infection is equal for men and women?

Both the man and the woman are infected with HPV and that do not have visible warts, most often unaware they are carriers of HPV, which can transmit the virus to their sexual partners.
However, evolution, manifestation and treatment are different in men and women. This is mainly due to anatomical and hormonal differences between the sexes. In women there is a more favorable environment for the development and multiplication of HPV, which may occur more serious complications such as injuries, which if not treated can develop into cancer.

It is possible that individuals who do not have sex for several years may develop genital warts?

Yes. Contact with the HPV virus may have occurred several years ago and this remained "asleep" (dormant). The decrease in body resistance can trigger the proliferation of HPV and thus cause the appearance of clinical and / or subclinical injury.

How are genital warts diagnosed?

As the location of the lesions may be difficult to verify the presence of genital warts only by self-examination. It is not always possible to tell the difference between a wart and other types of skin lesions. Thus, whenever there is suspicion of HPV infection, it is highly recommended to seek medical attention. This professional can not only advise and treat, as well as perform appropriate tests, if needed.In general, the diagnosis of genital warts can be performed during a single visit. However, the diagnosis of subclinical infection requires tests with devices with magnifying lens (colposcope or magnifying glass). Latent infection can be diagnosed only by sophisticated laboratory tests, which are indicated restricted to specific cases.

It is normal to feel disappointed / depressed after being diagnosed with HPV or genital warts?

Yes, many people feel disappointed. There may be feelings of shame, decreased sexual desire, fear of having cancer, revolt against the sexual partners, even if it is usually not possible to know exactly at what time or how it occurred infection by HPV virus.

What is the most commonly affected site by warts in women and men?

The most common sites of appearance of these lesions are the glans, the foreskin and the urethral meatus in men and the labia minora, vaginal introitus and the perineum in women. In both sexes may occur in the anus and rectum, not necessarily related to anal intercourse.

What is the principle of treatment of HPV infection and genital warts?

Generally speaking, there are no oral medications able to eliminate virus infections. Most drugs against any virus works to reduce viral load and / or stimulating the immune system to become stronger so as to be able to eliminate the virus. In the case of HPV infection, so far there is no treatment for latent infection by HPV (one that is dormant); in most cases the body takes care to eliminate the virus. In the case of subclinical infection when symptoms such as itching or when there is membership in precursor lesions of cancer, they should be treated.
Warts also need to be dealt with, as the delay in the treatment of genital warts can make more extensive and potentially more serious injuries, and the risk of transmitting the virus to partners. Until recently, the removal of genital warts was performed essentially by destroying the affected tissue by means of surgical or chemical cauterization. This destruction of the lesions appears to not only decrease the amount of virus but also stimulate the immune system and cause the immune system to produce cells that will combat and eliminate the virus. However, each individual responds differently to treatment.Some may need a therapy session, others in various sessions and some do not respond to this conventional treatment. In the latter case should be used to associate or immunotherapy for proper treatment.

It is common not respond to treatment through chemical or surgical cauterizing?

At the time of the procedure, all warts are destroyed, but soon after they grow back and this cycle of treatment and recurrence of the warts can occur for weeks, months and even years. About 20% of people do not respond to therapy by chemical or surgical cautery. In these persons it is necessary to add treatment based immunotherapy.

Why the warts grow back if during treatment the doctor destroyed them all?

Because there HPV invisible to the naked eye and even magnifying glass around the treated areas.

What is immunotherapy?

It is a novel treatment that activates the immune system and more specifically against HPV is infecting organism. Today, there is on the market an immunomodulatory cream topical imiquimod containing the substance. Recurrence rates of warts after applying this cream are very low. While the other procedures destroy the wart, the immunomodulator increases the local production of own substances of the immune system, which help in the fight against viral diseases, determining the complete disappearance of warts and to prevent its reappearance. This cream can be applied by the patient and is painless.

What is the advantage of treatment for genital warts that can be applied by the patient?

There are some types of medications that can be applied by the patient himself. The advantages would be less frequent returns to the doctor and consequently lower absence from school, college or work.These treatments are also very useful for executives who are always traveling or for people who do not like pain. Discuss with your doctor if your case can be treated this way. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor and need medical care.

If genital warts untreated, may progress to cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to a large family of viruses and more than 45 different types can infect the skin of the genitals. Almost all types were well studied and is now known that the HPV group that causes precancerous lesions or cancer (called group of high oncogenic risk) is not the same that usually causes genital warts (called low-risk group oncogenic). In 90-95% of cases of genital warts are caused by HPV low risk group. However, one should not delay the treatment of genital warts, not just the unpleasant aesthetic appearance, but also the risk of growth in scope and size of the lesions and high contagiousness (partners for transmission).




Warts can evolve spontaneously within months, or persist for years. In children usually heal without medication, however, because of the risk of spreading the virus to others and the appearance of new lesions in oneself by autocontaminação, their treatment is recommended. Already in adults, warts do not usually go away without treatment. There are different therapeutic modalities that lead to destruction or removal of lesions. Each type of wart requires different treatment.
What is it?
Warts are benign proliferations of the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Infection occurs in more superficias layers of the skin or mucosa, activating the abnormal growth of skin cells.
Transmission of HPV occurs through direct contact with people and / or infected objects. Small wounds are necessary for inoculation of HPV, which is why the warts are most common in areas of trauma. You can autoinoculation occur through small wounds that serve as gateway to the virus, also transmission by sexual contact and mother to child via at delivery. Patients with low immunity are most vulnerable to the appearance of warts. The peak incidence occurs between 12 and 16 years.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
threadlike wart
The wart appearance varies according to the affected site. Often present without symptoms, vegetative, rough, skin color, but can also be flat, soft and dark. The clinical lesions resulting from HPV infection may present in different ways:
Common warts
Are the most common types. In general, the lesions are irregular, hardened and rough papules. They may present as isolated or grouped lesions in variable number. They are often in areas subjected to major trauma, such as hands, fingers, elbows, knees and around the nails (periungual warts).
Warts threadlike
They appear as thin and elongated projections, generally isolated or few in number. Commonly appear on the face, neck, eyelids and lips, and the incidence is high in older people.
Flat warts
They appear as small papules ("balls") brownish or yellowish, with a maximum of 5 mm, whose main characteristic is to present a flat, smooth surface. Arise most often on the face and back of the hands of teenagers.
Plantar warts
Warts located on the soles of the feet are often mistaken for corns. The weight of the body exerts on them causes grow inside, which causes pain when walking. The presence of a thickened peripheral ring with small dark spots in the center of the lesion resemble the image of a "fish eye", by which they are commonly known.
Genital warts year
They present as vegetative lesions, humid, isolated or grouped, which resemble the appearance of cauliflower (condyloma acuminata). They can affect female and male genital mucosa, urethra, vagina, cervix, perianal region or oral mucosa. There are different viral subtypes involved in the genital infection, being well established relationship between genital infection by certain subtypes of HPV considered high risk and genital cancer, particularly cervical cancer.
Anogenital warts are the most difficult to treat and can be nescessária a combination of treatments and often operations to remove the lesions. Because of the risk of causing cancer, this type should be treated carefully.
The HPV vaccines are indicated for prevention of genital infection, reducing the risk of progression to genital cancer. It is recommended for girls as young as 9 years old, and be preventive vaccine, preferably should be applied before the onset of sexual activity and is available in health centers. The vaccine for boys is, for now, only available in the private network.


How to prevent and treat warts through diet

How to prevent and treat warts through diet

How to prevent and treat warts through diet

The easiest way to prevent and treat warts is through food . Making dietary changes can help the body fight the virus that causes warts, and to accelerate the healing process of the warts. In this article we introduce the necessary changes that should make in nutrition to prevent and treat the warts .


  1. Avoid simple sugars, which can reduce the effectiveness of the immune system and its ability to fight the virus that causes warts .

  2. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables of bright colors especially. This helps ensure that the body is getting a lot of antioxidants, which can help improve the immune system and help fight the virus that causes warts.

  3. Eat raw and fresh food. Eating many processed foods is actually worse for the immune system, since it can prevent that the body is able to adequately combat the virus which causes warts.

  4. If you want to read more articles similar to how to prevent and treat the warts through diet , we recommend that enter our category Skin health or falling in our news bulletin .


How to prevent the spread of genital warts

How to prevent the spread of genital warts

How to prevent the spread of genital warts

There are over 100 different types of human papilloma viruses that cause warts in many areas of the body, including the vagina, anus and the penis. Many people may go years without knowing they have the virus and infect others by sexual contact. Some HPV viruses create warts and others do not, but can reduce the risk of virus infection to your partner with some simple steps.


  1. Know your virus . Inform yourself about HPV and genital warts to understand what it is and how it spreads. The missing information may cause it to transmit the disease without knowing. Genital warts can be transmitted when there are no visible signs. You can also transmit the virus through oral sex and anal sex. The key to preventing the spread of genital warts is education.

  2. Tell your partner. In the same way that education is important to you, knowing the truth is important to your partner. If you have sex without first telling your partner about the disease, it can engage in behaviors that can infect it. While, you may think you can keep it under control in the heat of passion can forget about it and it is best that both parties know the risk.

  3. Although not 100 percent effective, can limit the spread of warts genital using condoms, dental guards and other contraceptives that prevent skin contact with skin. While it may not be the most romantic and can decrease the sensitivity, the spread of a sexually transmitted disease is far less romantic.

  4. Refrain from having sex during an outbreak . If the person has visible signs of genital warts are more likely to pass it to your partner when there is an outbreak, according to ahealthyme.com. Most warts disappear after a few months, but can also ask your doctor to remove them. Even if the warts are removed, it is likely to grow in the future.

  5. Let your partner do tests regularly . If you have genital warts and often has the same sexual partner, encourage him to take tests regularly. Genital warts are very contagious and even with precautions, there is thus a possibility of being able to transmit.

  6. Make your partner do tests, can reduce the likelihood of transmission to someone else. There are tests available to women for diagnostic genital warts, but there is no test for men, for these is by visual confirmation.

  7. If you want to read more articles similar to how to prevent the spread of genital warts , we recommend that enter our category Skin health or falling in our news bulletin .


How to treat the warts with herbal remedies

How to treat the warts with herbal remedies

How to treat the warts with herbal remedies

A good way to treat warts is with herbal remedies . The herbal remedies have been used for centuries as a treatment for warts in many different cultures. Furthermore, it can be a very good addition to the treatments recommended by your doctor.


  1. Apply Pau D'Arc Dye directly into the wart once a day . Apply it only with a cotton swab and allow to air dry. The Pau D'arco tincture is one of the most effective natural remedies that help treat the warts and also has strong antiviral properties.
  2. Add three drops of essential oil of balsam fir in a tablespoon of jojoba oil soup. Use a cotton swab to apply a little of this mixture on the wart 2 or 3 times during the day. This is one of the best mixtures of herbs for the treatment of this disease. Allow the mixture to dry, or cover with a small bandage that does not come into friction with clothing.
  3. Crush a willow-white capsule and then mix it with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Apply this treatment the warts and let dry for about 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and dry the area. Apply this herbal treatment 2 or 3 times per day until the warts have disappeared.
  4. If you want to read more articles similar to how to treat the warts with herbal remedies , we recommend that enter our category Skin health or falling in our news bulletin .